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Why environmental sustainability should be part of your  ESG training

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives help organizations assess, measure, and improve critical factors to reflect their values and support their mission. Through our ESG training course, employees receive a comprehensive introduction to ESG efforts. This course also demonstrates how employees' everyday decisions and actions can make a big difference. Meanwhile, managers receive guidance on ways to inspire their teams to become ESG advocates and live the company's values.

Our new ESG course can ultimately enable your business to create a more sustainable company culture that pushes for a better future for everyone. 

What does ESG stand for? 

What does ESG stand for, exactly? This initiative comprises three main components that measure the societal impact and sustainability of a company's investments: environmental, social, and governance. ESG policies indicate that a company is committed to the long-term good of the world's society and culture. At the same time, these values are more than altruistic in their nature.

ESG often indicates an organization's financial prosperity. Even if a company's ESG efforts and finances don't share a direct connection, a company with good ESG practices is appealing to investors. This is because solid ESG policies signify a company's long-term sustainability. In fact, companies engaging in ESG practices are so reputable that ESG and sustainability have inspired around $17.1 trillion, or one-third, of the United States' managed investments.  

Another financial benefit of ESG efforts is the ability to prevent a potential downturn. A company's high performance in ESG might display potential for long-term growth, and studies have shown that it also has the potential to maintain financial stability. One such study published for the National Institute of Health concluded that companies that perform well with their ESG initiatives gained more protection from substantial financial loss and hardships throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

ESG is already an attractive initiative for investors, but ESG investing is likely to become even more popular in the near future. The financial implications of a company's high-performing ESG ecosystem have led many investors to support sustainable companies via ETFs and other investments. iShares America head, Armando Senra, spoke to CNBC about the future of these investments, predicting that they would reach $1 trillion by 2030. 

The potential of ESG has made it an essential element of businesses across a wide range of industries. Because of this, it's crucial for companies to incorporate ESG training. 

Introducing "Environmental Sustainability," a new ESG training course 

LRN will be introducing new content to our ESG course in the form of Environmental Sustainability. This course focuses on the "E" in ESG. Environmental sustainability is a concept that involves working toward improving the environment in myriad ways using various ESG resources. According to the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, the official definition of environmental sustainability is using certain efforts to give future generations the natural resources required to enjoy a life that's equal to or better than previous generations. 

It's every company's responsibility and obligation to protect the environment and its natural resources. Doing so isn't only in the best interests of our companies' long-term success, but for the future of the entire planet. 

Course description 

Every living being depends on the Earth's natural resources and environment to survive. A company's sustainability is equally reliant on these elements. As such, it's necessary for companies to protect the Earth and its resources to secure long-term success for the company and preserve the planet's future.  

Many stakeholders are also aware and invested in environmental stability today, from consumers and employees to investors and business partners. The concern on the part of these stakeholders means that companies also gain a competitive advantage through sustainability. With the continued popularity of ESG training, we have placed emphasis on the "E" in ESG with our new course.  

Our Environmental Sustainability course explores how companies can continue to deliver results while minimizing their environmental impact. In the process, we hope to give companies the resources they need to promote a sustainable culture and contribute to the future of the planet's health. 

Objectives and learning outcomes 

Business leaders and employees alike will see the benefits of environmentally sustainable culture and business practices. After reviewing this course, learners will specifically be able to:  

  • Recognize their individual and collective impact on the environment.
  • Understand the need for environmental stability within the company, how it supports the company's overall sustainability, and how it aligns with the company's mission, values, and business goals.
  • Make decisions and take actions that work toward reaching specific sustainability targets, including everyday decisions and actions. 

Through these outcomes, companies can benefit from long-term growth and flourish in their industries. They'll also be able to promote a better and brighter future for everyone as they work toward improving the planet's health through individual and collective efforts. Everyone within your organization will be able to realize the importance of the ESG movement. 

Environmental sustainability through ESG training 

Developing an environmentally sustainable business can give your company what it needs to thrive. You'll be able to attract stakeholders and promote a healthier culture within the organization. However, it's equally important to remember that sustainable practices and decisions help secure a more sustainable future for everyone. The right actions could increase the chances of a company's financial success while making its employees proud of their efforts.  

With the help of our ESG training course and our new Environmental Sustainability course, you'll reap the rewards of ESG while paving the way for a healthier world. You'll learn how your company can contribute to a sustainable corporate environment and lead to widespread impact. 

Our team at LRN believes that ESG initiatives and sustainable actions will help companies develop a lasting legacy while also helping the rest of the world flourish. By taking the right course with LRN, you and your employees can find out what your company can do to dive into sustainability.

Want to discover all of what our course can do for your organization? Speak to a compliance expert today to learn more about LRN's ESG courses and content.