Online Sexual Harassment Training Removes the Stigma - Interactive Services


Sexual harassment in the work place is unacceptable under every single circumstance. It is something that every company large or small should be addressing. The “costs” of sexual harassment are wide reaching and go beyond the amount of money they involve. Every company should be providing sexual harassment training that should be delivered in an easy to understand manner that is non-judgmental, non-confrontational and without the accusatory tone that you sometimes find in on site, in classroom training. Having this training online can really remove some of the stigma that is attached to these types of training classes. Talking about sexual harassment and recognizing sexual harassment can make people feel a little uncomfortable when they are gathered in a group in a classroom setting.

Why Do You Need Sexual Harassment Learning in your Organization?

For some larger corporate entities, the idea of sexual harassment learning is easy to understand but for smaller entities it may seem a little harder to understand the value of this training. A closer look at the risks that are involved regardless of the size of your firm can help to make it clearer why this training should be implemented:

  • Risk of liable
  • Damage to employee relationships
  • Damage to the company’s reputation
  • Risk to the mental health of employees

Liability is something that every company can face regardless of the size of the firm. Court cases are implemented every day because of sexual harassment claims. They can be very expensive to settle and they can be very unsettling to your future earnings.

Employees that are not given a clear path to resolve this behavior will suffer through a lot of damage to their workplace relationships not just with the harasser but also with the larger population of the firm.

Whether a sexual harassment claim is founded or unfounded the damage will be done when it comes to your company’s reputation. Many clients will not want to be associated with a company that does not have a firm stance against this type of behavior.

You want your employees to feel confident that you company is fair and that they do not take this behavior lightly. Training not only empowers the harassed but it also teaches everyone what can be considered sexual harassment. In many cases when people know better they do better!

Interactive Services can help with a customized training course right online!
