No matter how flawless your new hire program could be, some folks simply just don’t get excited when it’s time to orient their new employees. Some just want to get right to it and past the “get to know you phase”. This isn’t a bad thing – wanting to get to work is great. At the same time, onboarding doesn’t have to be much of a strain or a chore. Here are 4 solid tips to help you push through and make it count. This way, it’ll be a breeze.

  • You’re in the process of hiring an individual because of their skills, education, and how they can benefit your company. But in an onboarding process, the steps to complete it should never be rushed. In order to acclimate a new hire and improve employee retention, ensure your process gives your new employee plenty of time to feel welcome, secure, understood, and valued.


  • Part of the new hire training is giving absolute clarity concerning your expectations. Emphasize why you need this employee’s talent. Let them know how the difference they can make to your company. In addition, by adding this worker to your team, it’s absolutely essential to ensure they understand the company’s vision, values, and goals. This is where an opportunity’s given to demonstrate your leadership example, your dedication to the company and team will help build your new team member’s loyalty toward the organization and the work required.


  • Help your new talent to become accustomed to the everyday normalcy of the company. Every organization has its own rhythm, its own culture. A successful onboarding process ensures that the new hire has a solid foundation to be comfortable and want to stay


  • Finally, help the new employee get connected with peers. A solid support network is needed for encouragement and oriented into the role he or she will be given as a new employee. Having the foresight to start building team relationships equal a solid ground build a strong career.

Contact Interactive Services today to and speak to our specialists for additional resources and counsel regarding building a strong new hire training/onboarding program.