The switch to online platforms

In the past, compliance training sessions were mostly in a live presentation setup. This model came with a lot of constraints, key among them being the need to synchronize employees’ schedules so they can all attend the training at the same time. Online compliance training platforms offer personalized, on-demand modules that any employee can take at his or her own convenient time.


Real world application assessment 

The need to test the efficacy of compliance training sessions by reviewing whether your employees are applying lessons learned in the real world has emerged as one of the trending issues. Scientists recently tested the use of immersive platforms such as augmented reality and simulation to review the real-world application of safety policies, where they required employees to clean up dangerous virtual spills using realistic gear.


Mobile-friendly training content   

The continued growth of the mobile platform has presented an effective channel for compliance training. This mode of delivery is especially attractive in the sense that employees can go through micro-compliance training sessions on their own even at home.

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